Sylvie T​orrente  +(66) 843 317 873    

French Private School ​   K​oh Samui Thailand


Annual Registration (10 months) or Partial Registration 2023-2024

Annual Registration

Kindergarten PS

100'000 THB ​year round

Annual Payment one monthly payment:
- 100'000 THB

Bimonthly Payment Payment every 2 months:
 -  22'000 THB

Quarterly Payment Payment in 3 installments:
-  v - 42'000 THB 
- Janvier à Mars - 31'500 THB  
- April to June  - 31'500 THB

Kindergarten MS ET GS

110'000 THB ​year round

Annual Payment one monthly payment:
- 110'000 THB

Bimonthly Payment Payment every 2 months:
 -  24'000 THB

Quarterly Payment Payment in 3 installments:
-​September to December- 46'000 THB 
- Janvier à Mars - 34'500 THB  
- ​April to June  - 34'500 THB

Primary CP au CM2

120'000 THB ​year round

Annual Payment one monthly payment:
- 120'000 THB

Bimonthly Payment Payment every 2 months:
 -  26'000 THB

Quarterly Payment Payment in 3 installments:
September to December - 50'000 THB 
- ​January to March - 37'500 THB  
- ​April to June  - 37'500 THB

College (6ème à la 3ème)

140'000 THB ​year round

Annual Payment one monthly payment:
- 140'000 THB

Bimonthly Payment Payment every 2 months:
 -  30'000 THB

Quarterly Payment Payment in 3 installments:
- ​September to December - 58'000 THB 
- J​January to March - 43'500 THB  
- ​April to June  - 43'500 THB